Le Genépi 258 rue Park City 73120 COURCHEVEL 1850 +33 (0)4 79 08 08 63


The owner of the website legenepi-courchevel.com is the company
Sarl Le Genépi with a capital of 7 622,00 €
Nb of Siret 39838195400013
whose the headquarters is located at:
258 Rue Park City
73120 COURCHEVEL 1850

Madame Cécile Mugnier is the publication director
Email : le-genepi@wanadoo.fr
Phone : +33 (0)4 79 08 08 63

Design and maintenance of the site is provided by Csweb.fr, info@csweb.fr

The host of the site is:
OVH SAS with capital of 10,069,020 euros
Whose headquarters is:

2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Phone : +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07